Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Human Being Named Sheneoqua

I have decided to begin a blog which will help to unmask the stereotype of the name Shaniqua. The purpose of this is to help other young women with “non- traditional” names come to terms with the stereotype.  I also want find out exactly how many Shaniqua’s, Shenequa’s, Shanekqua’s reside in the U.S. what has their experiences been as far as acceptance.  I want to know their age, their background, education, profession, good experiences with the name as well as the dark side of adorning such a title.  I Googled the origin of the name Shaniqua and it took me to  Now from their research Shaniqua was most popular in 1991 and number 313 on the list, it currently ranks number 794 in U.S. birth, and the name has never been rated as a favorite for baby names.  The alternative spellings for Shaniqua is Shaneikqua; I can certaintly add to that, Sheneoqua “o” is silent, Shenequa, Shanequa.  The origin of the name Shaniqua is American and the meaning of the name Shaniqua is an Invented name. The word “invent” the dictionary defines the word invent as, to produce or contrive something previously unknown by the use of ingenuity or imagination; to make up or fabricate, falsehoods.  When I read the word invented and the name Shaniqua in the same sentence I can just about understand why the stereotype exists. Since the name is made up that means the beholder of Shaniqua can create whatever fantasy or false representation one can fathom; and the stereotype will stick. With media, television, radio, I make Shaniqua look and be anything I choose.  This however does not benefit the real Shaniqua’s of the country the human beings named Sheneoqua the ones who have to boldly wear it.

1 comment:

  1. If you think that who you are is a disadvantage, prove yourself and set it right, do something great and your name, whatever it is, will relate to greatness and will be ‘respected & embraced’. Remember it’s the underdog that the world roots for, not the favorites. Your in good company with names like Barrack, Oprah which are all unique just like Sheneoqua. I know you and you far surpass the stereotypes.
